add.js 580 B

  1. import Tool from '../Systems/Tool';
  2. import { View , Text , Button , TextInput , StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
  3. import { Icon } from 'react-native-elements'
  4. import React from 'react';
  5. export default class Add extends Tool{
  6. constructor(){
  7. super()
  8. }
  9. editViewNode(node){
  10. console.log("I have the node here now i can manipulate the Dom by addind")
  11. console.log(node)
  12. }
  13. render(){
  14. return(
  15. <View style={{backgroundColor:"red"}}>
  16. <Button style={{backgroundColor:"red"}}
  17. title={<Icon name='add'
  18. color="#606060"
  19. />}
  20. />
  21. </View>
  22. )
  23. }
  24. }