@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
+import config from '../../config';
+import dragAndDrop from '../../../helpers/dragAndDrop';
+import GuiableContainer from '../../../helpers/Guiable';
+import Injector from '../../services/Injector';
+import Deck from '../../assets/deck';
+import Text from '../misc/Text';
+import Machine from '../../game';
+const ProgressFrameURL = '/files/assets/cards/frame_blue.png';
+const ProgressFrame = PIXI.Texture.fromImage(ProgressFrameURL);
+class ProgressBar extends GuiableContainer{
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ let {
+ x,
+ y,
+ v
+ } = props;
+ // Properties Component
+ //this.imageURL = image || getParam('imageURL');
+ this.position.set(x,y);
+ this.options = {
+ x: x || 0,
+ y: y || 0,
+ v: v || 0,
+ t: 0
+ };
+ // GUI
+ this.addFolder('ProgressBar');
+ this.addToFolder('ProgressBar', this.options, 'v').onFinishChange((v) => this.setValue(v));
+ this.addToFolder('ProgressBar', this.options, 'x').onFinishChange((v) => this.position.x = v);
+ this.addToFolder('ProgressBar', this.options, 'y').onFinishChange((v) => this.position.y = v);
+ this.addToFolder('ProgressBar', this.options, 't').onFinishChange((v) => this.setTimeout(v));
+ //
+ this.construct(props);
+ }
+ construct(props) {
+ let {
+ v
+ } = props;
+ let [w,h] = [200, 30];
+ // Every card has a transparent region around so the hitArea is Reduced!!!
+ let [hw,hh] = [config.CARD.WIDTH-config.CARD.OFFSET.X,config.CARD.HEIGHT-config.CARD.OFFSET.Y];
+ this.sprite = new PIXI.Graphics();
+ this.sprite.beginFill(0x6284D9 ,1);
+ // set the line style to have a width of 5 and set the color to red
+ this.sprite.pivot.set(this.w/2,this.h/2);
+ this.sprite.drawRect(0, 0, w, h); // Center this shit
+ this.sprite.position.set(-w/2, -h/2);
+ this.sprite.scale.set(v, 1);
+ this.addChild(this.sprite);
+ this.frame = new PIXI.Sprite(ProgressFrame);
+ this.frame.anchor.set(0.5,0.5);
+ this.frame.width = w+40;
+ this.frame.height= h+5;
+ this.addChild(this.frame);
+ }
+ setValue(v) {
+ this.sprite.scale.set(v, 1);
+ }
+ _intervalCallback(dt, fn) {
+ this.setValue(1 - (this._ctime/this._total));
+ this._ctime += dt;
+ console.log('Interval +');
+ if(this._ctime > this._total) {
+ console.log('Interval stop');
+ clearInterval(this._interval);
+ if(fn) fn();
+ }
+ }
+ setTimeout(v, fn) {
+ if(this._interval) clearInterval(this._interval);
+ this._total = v;
+ this._ctime = 0;
+ this._interval = setInterval(this._intervalCallback.bind(this), 50, 50, fn);
+ console.log('Interval set');
+ }
+ setTexture(texture) {
+ this.sprite.texture = texture;
+ }
+ // Animate to Position
+ moveTo(point, milliseconds=1000) {
+ if(typeof point === "undefined") {
+ return; // Some times this happens...
+ }
+ let path = new PIXI.tween.TweenPath();
+ path.moveTo(this.position.x, this.position.y).lineTo(point.x, point.y);
+ this._tween = PIXI.tweenManager.createTween(this);
+ this._tween.easing = PIXI.tween.Easing.outQuart();
+ this._tween.loop = false;
+ this._tween.path = path;
+ this._tween.time = milliseconds;
+ this._tween.start();
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Animate Scale
+ scaleTo(newscale, milliseconds=1000) {
+ this._stween = PIXI.tweenManager.createTween(this);
+ this._stween.easing = PIXI.tween.Easing.outQuart();
+ this._stween.loop = false;
+ this._stween.from({
+ scale: { x: this.scale.x, y: this.scale.y }
+ });
+ this._stween.to({
+ scale: { x: newscale, y: newscale }
+ });
+ this._stween.time = milliseconds;
+ this._stween.start();
+ return this;
+ }
+ destroy() {
+ if(this._tween)
+ this._tween.stop();
+ if(this._stween)
+ this._stween.stop();
+ super.destroy();
+ }
+ _kill() {
+ super._kill();
+ }
+ getAsJSON() {
+ return {
+ component: 'base/ProgressBar',
+ x: this.position.x,
+ y: this.position.y,
+ v: this.options.v
+ };
+ }
+export default ProgressBar;