citation.bib 908 B

  1. Citations for polWN
  2. @Book{Piasecki:Szpakowicz:Broda:2009,
  3. author = "Maciej Piasecki and Stan Szpakowicz and Bartosz
  4. Broda",
  5. title = "A Wordnet from the Ground Up",
  6. publisher = "Wroclaw University of Technology Press",
  7. year = 2009,
  8. url =
  9. "",
  10. note = "(ISBN 978-83-7493-476-3)"
  11. }
  12. @article{MAPPING2012,
  13. author = "Rudnicka, Ewa and Maziarz, Marek and Piasecki, Maciej and Szpakowicz, Stanisław",
  14. title = "{M}apping pl{W}ord{N}et onto {P}rinceton {W}ord{N}et",
  15. year = "2012",
  16. }
  17. @inconference{plwordnet2,
  18. author = "Maziarz, Marek and Piasecki, Maciej and Szpakowicz, Stanisław",
  19. address = "Matsue, Japan",
  20. booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th Global Wordnet Conference",
  21. month = "January",
  22. title = "{A}pproaching pl{W}ord{N}et 2.0",
  23. year = "2012",
  24. }