- AdSerializer /** * Escapes a string for use in a regular expression. */ static escape(text: string): string /** * Regex for redacted phone numbers with extra info for PlayStation (TO BE REMOVED). */ const PHONE_PLACEHOLDER_NUMBER: RegExp = /\[redacted phone number\](#{0,1}\(([()_\-+\d ]*)\)){0,1}/; PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX_BAAN_KAIDEE PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX_WITH /** Renders a description text with placeholders in it for phone numbers and e-mail addresses. The placeholders are replaced with links. Phone number placeholders get a link that opens a dialog with the phone number in it and the e-mail addresses get replaced with a link that brings the contact form into focus. */ class DescriptionText extends React.Component /** * Build time settings. * Those settings are replaced with their value when the bundle is built and are not changed after the bundle is built. * WARNING: ALL OF THE VARIABLES HERE ARE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE. DO NOT INCLUDE SECRETS HERE. */ const getBuildSettings = () => /** * Single Setting Dialog for desktop version. */ var SingleSettingDialog = function SingleSettingDialog(props) /** * Method to call when the e-mail is sent. */ onSendEmailClick?: ( /** * Attempts to preload the form fields with previously values from the * session storage. Sanitizes for `name, email, phone, message` fields. */ const filterAndSanitize = (values: Values): Object => /** * Stick element after scroll passed the element. "scrollTop < element.scrollTop + element.height" * If neither stickBefore, nor stickAfter is specified the element will stick when "scrollTop > element.scrollTop + element.height" */ +stickAfter? /** * Zoom levels for the layer. */ zoomLevels: ZoomLevelType ### React-DOM variable names // Setter for attempting to hydrate synchronously setAttemptSynchronousHydration(attemptSynchronousHydration); // Setter for attempting to hydrate discretely setAttemptDiscreteHydration(attemptDiscreteHydration); // Setter for attempting to hydrate continously setAttemptContinuousHydration(attemptContinuousHydration); // Setter for priority of attempting hydration setAttemptHydrationAtCurrentPriority(attemptHydrationAtCurrentPriority); // Setter for getCurrentUpdate priority setGetCurrentUpdatePriority(getCurrentUpdatePriority); setAttemptHydrationAtPriority(runWithPriority);