main.cpp 12 KB

  1. // This code simulates the static deflection and small-signal vibration of a collapsed 3D CMUT while supposing axisymmetry.
  2. // A CMUT is a microscale ultrasonic transducer with an electrostatic actuation. In collapse mode the CMUT membrane is
  3. // pulled-in, i.e. touches the bottom of the cavity.
  4. //
  5. // The CMUT geometry and mesh in this example are created using sparselizard.
  6. // The CMUT is made up of (from bottom layer to top):
  7. //
  8. // - a substrate (not in this example)
  9. // - a ground electrode
  10. // - an insulator layer (SiO2)
  11. // - a vacuum cavity
  12. // - a membrane layer (Silicon)
  13. // - an electrode
  14. #include "sparselizardbase.h"
  15. using namespace mathop;
  16. // Arguments are:
  17. //
  18. // CMUT radius, thickness of the membrane, depth of the cavity, insulator thickness and x-length of the pillar supporting the membrane.
  19. //
  20. mesh createmesh(double r, double thmem, double thcav, double thins, double lpillar);
  21. void sparselizard(void)
  22. {
  23. // Define the CMUT geometric dimensions [m]:
  24. double r = 20e-6, thmem = 0.5e-6, thcav = 0.5e-6, thins = 0.3e-6, lpillar = 10e-6;
  25. // Axisymmetric assumption:
  26. setaxisymmetry();
  27. // The domain regions as defined in 'createmesh':
  28. int membrane = 1, pillar = 2, cavity = 3, ground = 4, electrode = 5, insulator = 6;
  29. // Create the geometry and the mesh:
  30. mesh mymesh = createmesh(r, thmem, thcav, thins, lpillar);
  31. // Write the mesh for display:
  32. mymesh.write("cmutaxisym.msh");
  33. // Define additional regions:
  34. int contact = regionintersection({membrane, cavity});
  35. int solid = regionunion({membrane, pillar, insulator});
  36. int wholedomain = regionunion({solid,cavity});
  37. // Nodal shape functions 'h1' for v (the electric potential) and
  38. // u (membrane displacement). Three components are used for u.
  39. // Field umesh is used to smoothly deform the mesh in the cavity.
  40. //
  41. field u("h1xyz"), v("h1"), umesh("h1xyz"), nodalforcebalance("h1xyz");
  42. // Clamp the insulator:
  43. u.setconstraint(insulator);
  44. v.setconstraint(electrode, 120);
  45. v.setconstraint(ground, 0);
  46. // Set a conditional constraint on compy(u), the y component of the mechanical deflection.
  47. // The constraint is active for all nodal degrees of freedom at which 'contactcondition' is positive or zero.
  48. //
  49. // There is mechanical contact if either the deflection is larger than a given threshold
  50. // (chosen as 99% of the gap size times 1+1e-6, not 100% to avoid the need of remeshing the cavity)
  51. // or if at the same time:
  52. //
  53. // - compy(u) is greater than a given deflection (99% of the gap size)
  54. // - the y direction force balance on the node is negative, i.e. the node is pulled downwards
  55. //
  56. expression contactcondition = orpositive({-compy(u)-(thcav+1e-6*thcav)*0.99, andpositive({-compy(u)-thcav*0.99, -compy(nodalforcebalance)})});
  57. // Set the conditional constraint on the y component of the deflection field u:
  58. u.compy().setconditionalconstraint(contact, contactcondition, -0.99*(thcav+1e-8*thcav));
  59. // Young's modulus [Pa], Poisson's ratio [], the density [kg/m^3] and the electric permittivity [F/m]:
  60. parameter E, nu, rho, epsilon;
  61. E|solid = 150e9; E|insulator = 66e9;
  62. nu|solid = 0.25; nu|insulator = 0.17;
  63. rho|solid = 2320; rho|insulator = 2200;
  64. epsilon|cavity = 8.854e-12;
  65. epsilon|solid = 11.7*8.854e-12;
  66. epsilon|insulator = 3.9*8.854e-12;
  67. // An electrostatic formulation is used for the electric problem.
  68. // An elasticity formulation is used for the mechanical problem.
  69. // Geometrical nonlinearity is taken into account.
  70. // A forcebalance formulation is used for the conditional constraint.
  71. formulation electrostatics, elasticity, forcebalance;
  72. // Weak electrostatic formulation, computed on the mesh deformed by field umesh:
  73. electrostatics += integral(wholedomain, umesh, epsilon*grad(dof(v))*grad(tf(v)));
  74. // Weak elasticity formulation with geometrical nonlinearity
  75. // (refer to the documentation to add prestress with the last argument).
  76. elasticity += integral(solid, predefinedelasticity(dof(u), tf(u), u, E, nu, 0.0));
  77. // Electrostatic forces, computed on the elements of the whole electric domain
  78. // but with mechanical deflection test functions tf(u) only on solid.
  79. //
  80. // The electrostatic forces often appear in MEMS simulations and are thus predefined.
  81. // The inputs are the gradient of the test function of u defined on the mechanical domain,
  82. // the gradient of the previously computed electric potential field and the electric permittivity.
  83. //
  84. // The electrostatic forces are computed on the mesh deformed by field umesh.
  85. elasticity += integral(wholedomain, umesh, predefinedelectrostaticforce(tf(u,solid), grad(v), epsilon));
  86. // Formulation (based on the elasticity) to get the force balance on the contact region:
  87. forcebalance += integral(solid, -predefinedelasticity(u, tf(nodalforcebalance,contact), u, E, nu, 0.0));
  88. forcebalance += integral(wholedomain, umesh, -predefinedelectrostaticforce(tf(nodalforcebalance,contact), grad(v), epsilon));
  89. // Solve the Laplace equation in the cavity to smoothly deform the mesh.
  90. // umesh is forced to field u on region solid:
  91. umesh.setconstraint(solid, u);
  92. formulation laplacian;
  93. laplacian += integral(wholedomain, grad(dof(compx(umesh)))*grad(tf(compx(umesh))) + grad(dof(compy(umesh)))*grad(tf(compy(umesh))) + grad(dof(compz(umesh)))*grad(tf(compz(umesh))));
  95. // Start with an all-zero solution vector for the elasticity formulation:
  96. vec solu(elasticity);
  97. double relresnorm = 1; int iter = 0;
  98. while (relresnorm > 1e-8)
  99. {
  100. electrostatics.generate();
  101. vec solv = solve(electrostatics.A(), electrostatics.b());
  102. // Transfer the data from the solution vector to the v field:
  103. v.setdata(wholedomain, solv);
  104. // Write the electric field computed and saved on the geometry deformed by umesh.
  105. (-grad(v)).write(wholedomain, umesh, "E.pos");
  106. v.write(wholedomain, umesh, "v.pos");
  107. // Calculate the force balance at the contact using the now known electric potential:
  108. forcebalance.generate();
  109. // The force balance is in the right handside vector:
  110. nodalforcebalance.setdata(contact, forcebalance.b());
  111. // Compute the membrane deflection:
  112. elasticity.generate();
  113. // Get the vector b and matrix A of problem Ax = b. Here they include the conditional constraints:
  114. vec b = elasticity.b();
  115. mat A = elasticity.A();
  116. // Compute the norm of the relative residual to check the convergence:
  117. relresnorm = (b-A*solu).norm()/b.norm();
  118. solu = solve(A,b);
  119. u.setdata(solid, solu);
  120. // Write the deflection u:
  121. u.write(solid, "u.pos");
  122. // Smooth the mesh in the cavity:
  123. laplacian.generate();
  124. vec solumesh = solve(laplacian.A(), laplacian.b());
  125. // Save the smoothed mesh in the cavity:
  126. umesh.setdata(wholedomain, solumesh);
  127. // Print the iteration number and relative residual norm:
  128. std::cout << "Rel. res. norm @it " << iter << " is " << relresnorm << ", max deflection is " << abs(compy(u)).max(contact, 5)[0]*1e9 << " nm" << std::endl;
  129. iter++;
  130. }
  132. // AC electric actuation frequency:
  133. setfundamentalfrequency(1e6);
  134. // Fields uh and vh have a constant deflection plus a harmonic deflection (harmonics 1 and 2):
  135. // uh = uh1 + uh2 * sin(2*pi*f0*t), vh = vh1 + vh2 * sin(2*pi*f0*t)
  136. field uh("h1xyz", {1,2}), vh("h1", {1,2});
  137. // Set the static deflection to the above solution:
  138. uh.harmonic(1).setdata(solid, solu|u);
  139. // Clamp the insulator:
  140. uh.setconstraint(insulator);
  141. // Set the same conditional constraint as above:
  142. uh.harmonic(1).compy().setconditionalconstraint(contact, contactcondition, -0.99*(thcav+1e-8*thcav));
  143. // The vibration around the static deflection is 0 at the contact:
  144. uh.harmonic(2).setconditionalconstraint(contact, contactcondition, array3x1(0,0,0));
  145. // Set the DC voltage bias on the electrode:
  146. vh.harmonic(1).setconstraint(electrode, 120);
  147. // Set a tiny AC voltage on vh2:
  148. vh.harmonic(2).setconstraint(electrode, 1);
  149. // Ground:
  150. vh.setconstraint(ground);
  151. // Redefine the electrostatic and elasticity formulations as above:
  152. formulation helectrostatics, helasticity;
  153. helectrostatics += integral(wholedomain, umesh, epsilon*grad(dof(vh))*grad(tf(vh)));
  154. helasticity += integral(solid, predefinedelasticity(dof(uh), tf(uh), u, E, nu, 0.0));
  155. // Here the electrostatic force must be computed using an FFT (on 5 timesteps)
  156. // because the force calculation involves nonlinear operations on multiharmonic fields:
  157. helasticity += integral(wholedomain, 5, umesh, predefinedelectrostaticforce(tf(uh,solid), grad(vh), epsilon));
  158. // The inertia term is added for the harmonic analysis:
  159. helasticity += integral(solid, -rho*dtdt(dof(uh))*tf(uh));
  160. // Generate and solve the electrostatic problem:
  161. helectrostatics.generate();
  162. vec solvh = solve(helectrostatics.A(), helectrostatics.b());
  163. vh.setdata(wholedomain, solvh);
  164. // Generate and solve the elasticity problem:
  165. helasticity.generate();
  166. vec soluh = solve(helasticity.A(), helasticity.b());
  167. uh.setdata(solid, soluh);
  168. uh.write(solid, umesh, "usmallsignal.pos");
  169. // Write the vibration at 50 timesteps of a period for a time visualization:
  170. (uh-uh.harmonic(1)).write(solid, umesh, "usmallsignal.pos", 1, 50);
  171. // Print the max AC deflection:
  172. double uacmax = abs(compy(uh.harmonic(2))).max(solid, 5)[0];
  173. std::cout << "Peak AC deflection: " << uacmax*1e9 << " nm" << std::endl;
  174. // Code validation line. Can be removed.
  175. std::cout << (uacmax < 1.1970e-09 && uacmax > 1.1967e-09);
  176. }
  179. mesh createmesh(double r, double thmem, double thcav, double thins, double lpillar)
  180. {
  181. // Give names to the physical region numbers:
  182. int membrane = 1, pillar = 2, cavity = 3, ground = 4, electrode = 5, insulator = 6;
  183. // Number of mesh layers:
  184. int nx = 40, nzcavity = 5, nzmembrane = 6, nzinsulator = 3;
  185. int nxpillar = nx*lpillar/r;
  186. // Insulator:
  187. double h = -thins;
  188. shape q01("quadrangle", insulator, {0,h,0, r,h,0, r,h+thins,0, 0,h+thins,0}, {nx, nzinsulator, nx, nzinsulator});
  189. shape q02("quadrangle", insulator, {r,h,0, r+lpillar,h,0, r+lpillar,h+thins,0, r,h+thins,0}, {nxpillar, nzinsulator, nxpillar, nzinsulator});
  190. // Cavity layer:
  191. h = 0.0;
  192. shape q11("quadrangle", cavity, {0,h,0, r,h,0, r,h+thcav,0, 0,h+thcav,0}, {nx, nzcavity, nx, nzcavity});
  193. shape q12("quadrangle", pillar, {r,h,0, r+lpillar,h,0, r+lpillar,h+thcav,0, r,h+thcav,0}, {nxpillar, nzcavity, nxpillar, nzcavity});
  194. // Ground line:
  195. shape groundline("union", ground, {q01.getsons()[0], q02.getsons()[0]});
  196. // Membrane layer:
  197. h = h+thcav;
  198. shape q21("quadrangle", membrane, {0,h,0, r,h,0, r,h+thmem,0, 0,h+thmem,0}, {nx, nzmembrane, nx, nzmembrane});
  199. shape q22("quadrangle", membrane, {r,h,0, r+lpillar,h,0, r+lpillar,h+thmem,0, r,h+thmem,0}, {nxpillar, nzmembrane, nxpillar, nzmembrane});
  200. // Electrode line:
  201. shape electrodeline("union", electrode, {q21.getsons()[2], q22.getsons()[2]});
  202. // Provide to the mesh all shapes of interest:
  203. mesh mymesh({q01,q02,q11,q12,q21,q22,groundline,electrodeline});
  204. return mymesh;
  205. }
  206. int main(void)
  207. {
  208. SlepcInitialize(0,{},0,0);
  209. sparselizard();
  210. SlepcFinalize();
  211. return 0;
  212. }