// This code computes the resistance and capacitance in a 3D geometry made of a // conducting trace connected to a circular-shaped parallel-plate air capacitor. #include "sparselizardbase.h" using namespace mathop; void sparselizard(void) { wallclock clk; // The domain regions as defined in 'rc.geo': int electrode = 1, ground = 2, conductor = 3, dielectric = 4; // Load the mesh: mesh mymesh("rc.msh"); // Define the whole domain for convenience: int wholedomain = regionunion({conductor, dielectric}); // Nodal shape functions 'h1' for the electric potential field. // Harmonics 2 and 3 are respectively the in-phase and quadrature // component of the electric potential field. field v("h1", {2,3}); // The working frequency is 1 MHz: double freq = 1e6; setfundamentalfrequency(freq); // Use interpolation order 1 on the whole domain: v.setorder(wholedomain, 1); // Force 1 V in-phase on the electrode and 0 V on the ground: double appliedvoltage = 1; v.harmonic(2).setconstraint(electrode, 1); v.harmonic(3).setconstraint(electrode, 0); v.setconstraint(ground, 0); // sigma is the electric conductivity of the conductor [S/m]: double sigma = 1e3; // epsilon is the electric permittivity of the air [F/m]: double epsilon = 8.854e-12; formulation electrokinetics; // Define the weak formulation for the conduction current in // the conductor and displacement current in the dielectric. // // The strong form is: // // div(sigma * grad(v)) + div(epsilon * grad(dt(v))) = 0 // // with E = -grad(v) and J = sigma*E in the conductor. // electrokinetics += integral(conductor, sigma*grad(dof(v))*grad(tf(v))); electrokinetics += integral(dielectric, epsilon*grad(dt(dof(v)))*grad(tf(v))); electrokinetics.generate(); // Solve the algebraic problem Ax = b to get the solution vector x: vec solv = solve(electrokinetics.A(), electrokinetics.b()); // Transfer the data from the solution vector to the v field: v.setdata(wholedomain, solv); // Write the electric potential: v.write(wholedomain, "v.pos"); // Compute the total current flowing trough the electrode face. // Since the computation involves a gradient that has to be // calculated in the volume (and not on the electrode face) // one can not simply call (normal(electrode)*J).integrate(electrode,4) // since with this a surface gradient will be calculated. // 'on()' is called to force the evaluation in the volume. double Iinphase = (-normal(electrode) * on(conductor, sigma*(-grad(v.harmonic(2)))) ).integrate(electrode, 4); double Iquadrature = (-normal(electrode) * on(conductor, sigma*(-grad(v.harmonic(3)))) ).integrate(electrode, 4); double normI = sqrt(Iinphase*Iinphase + Iquadrature*Iquadrature); // The voltage and currents are known, thus R and C are known as well: double R = appliedvoltage/pow(normI,2) * Iinphase; double ZC = appliedvoltage/pow(normI,2) * Iquadrature; double C = 1/(ZC*2*getpi()*freq); std::cout << std::endl << "I = " << Iinphase << " + " << Iquadrature << "j A" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << "R = " << R << " Ohm. C = " << C << " F (parallel plate formula gives " << epsilon*getpi()*(300e-6*300e-6)/30e-6 << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "Refine the mesh for a better match." << std::endl << std::endl; clk.print("Total computation time: "); // Code validation line. Can be removed. std::cout << (C < 8.34113e-14 && C > 8.34111e-14); } int main(void) { SlepcInitialize(0,{},0,0); sparselizard(); SlepcFinalize(); return 0; }