// This code simulates the electromagnetic wave propagation in a cross-shaped 3D // waveguide made of a perfect conductor. A time simulation is performed with // initial all-zero conditions. #include "sparselizardbase.h" using namespace mathop; void sparselizard(void) { // The domain regions as defined in 'waveguide3D.geo': int left = 1, skin = 2, wholedomain = 3; mesh mymesh("waveguide3D.msh"); // Edge shape functions 'hcurl' for the electric field E. // Fields x, y and z are the x, y and z coordinate fields. field E("hcurl"), x("x"), y("y"), z("z"); // Use interpolation order 2 on the whole domain: E.setorder(wholedomain, 2); // The cutoff frequency for a 0.2x0.2 m^2 cross section is freq = 1.06 GHz in theory. // With this code and a fine enough mesh you will get the same value. double freq = 1.2e9, c = 3e8, pi = 3.14159; // The waveguide is a perfect conductor. We thus force all // tangential components of E to 0 on the waveguide skin. E.setconstraint(skin); // We force an electric field in the z direction on region 'left' // that is 0 on the exterior of 'left' and one in the center. // The electric field varies in time at frequency freq. E.setconstraint(left, cos(y/0.2*pi)* cos(z/0.2*pi)* sin(2*pi*freq*t()) *array3x1(0,0,1)); formulation maxwell; // This is the weak formulation for electromagnetic waves in time: maxwell += integral(wholedomain, -curl(dof(E))*curl(tf(E)) - 1/(c*c)*dtdt(dof(E))*tf(E)); // Define the generalized alpha object to time-solve formulation 'maxwell' // with initial all zero solution vectors 'vec(maxwell)'. // The general system to solve in time is M*dtdtx + C*dtx + K*x = b. // // The last argument is a vector 'isconstant' telling if the: // // - excitation vector b is constant in time for isconstant[0] // - matrix K is constant in time for isconstant[1] // - matrix C is constant in time for isconstant[2] // - matrix M is constant in time for isconstant[3] // // You can set isconstant[0] to 'true' if in b only the constraints // are time dependent but the other excitation sources are not. // // Setting properly the 'isconstant' vector can give a dramatic speedup // since it may avoid reassembling or allow reusing the LU factorisation. // genalpha ga(maxwell, vec(maxwell), vec(maxwell), vec(maxwell), {true, true, true, true}); // Run the generalized alpha time resolution from the time in the first argument // to the time in the third argument by timesteps given as second argument. // The last argument is optional (default is 1). When set to an integer 'n' // only one every n timesteps is added to the output vector. std::vector solvec = ga.runlinear(0, 0.025*1.0/freq, 20*1.0/freq, 4)[0]; // Now save all data in the 'solvec' vector (which contains the solution at every nth timestep). for (int ts = 0; ts < solvec.size(); ts++) { std::cout << ts << " "; // Transfer the data to the electric field: E.setdata(wholedomain, solvec[ts]); // Write with an order 2 interpolation and with the name of your choice: E.write(wholedomain, "E"+std::to_string(ts+100)+".pos",2); } } int main(void) { SlepcInitialize(0,{},0,0); sparselizard(); SlepcFinalize(); return 0; }