// This defines the geometry for a rectangular conductor trace connected to a circular // shaped capacitor made of a dielectric layer sandwiched between two conducting traces. // Dimensions in um: thicknessdielectric = 30; thicknesstraces = 1; diskradius = 300; lengthtrace = diskradius+200; widthtrace = 50; // Set the characteristic mesh size required (a finer mesh gives more accurate results but takes longer to simulate): Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFactor = 0.2; SetFactory("OpenCASCADE"); // The bottom trace of the disk: Cylinder(1) = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, thicknesstraces, diskradius, 2*Pi}; // The dielectric of the disk: Cylinder(2) = {0, 0, thicknesstraces, 0, 0, thicknessdielectric, diskradius, 2*Pi}; // The top trace of the disk: Cylinder(3) = {0, 0, thicknesstraces+thicknessdielectric, 0, 0, thicknesstraces, diskradius, 2*Pi}; // The bottom trace leading to the disk: Box(4) = {-lengthtrace, -widthtrace/2, 0, lengthtrace-diskradius/2, widthtrace, thicknesstraces}; // The top trace leading to the disk: Box(5) = {-lengthtrace, -widthtrace/2, thicknesstraces+thicknessdielectric, lengthtrace-diskradius/2, widthtrace, thicknesstraces}; Coherence; // All dimensions above are in um: Mesh.ScalingFactor = 1e-6; // Define the regions of interest for the simulation: electrode = 1; ground = 2; conductor = 3; dielectric = 4; Physical Surface(electrode) = {26}; Physical Surface(ground) = {21}; Physical Volume(conductor) = {3,4,5,6,7,8}; Physical Volume(dielectric) = {2};