// Choose the mesh size: c = 0.5e-4; // Number of extrude layers: n = 2; // Radius: R = 800e-6 / 2; // Thickness: th = 10e-6; Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, c}; Point(2) = {R, 0, 0, c}; Point(3) = {0, -R, 0, c}; Point(4) = {0, R, 0, c}; Point(5) = {-R, 0, 0, c}; Circle(1) = {5, 1, 4}; Circle(2) = {4, 1, 2}; Circle(3) = {2, 1, 3}; Circle(4) = {3, 1, 5}; Line Loop(5) = {1, 2, 3, 4}; Plane Surface(6) = {5}; Recombine Surface{6}; Extrude{0,0,th/2}{Surface{6}; Layers{n}; Recombine;} Extrude{0,0,th/2}{Surface{28}; Layers{n}; Recombine;} Physical Volume(1) = {1}; Physical Volume(2) = {2}; Physical Surface(3) = {15,19,23,27}; Physical Surface(4) = {50};