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Release history

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Guiding Principles - Changelogs are for humans, not machines. - There should be an entry for every single version. - The same types of changes should be grouped. - Versions and sections should be linkable. - The latest version comes first. - The release date of each versions is displayed. - Mention whether you follow Semantic Versioning.
Types of changes Changelog entries are classified using the following labels _(from [keep-a-changelog]( - `Added` for new features. - `Changed` for changes in existing functionality. - `Deprecated` for soon-to-be removed features. - `Removed` for now removed features. - `Fixed` for any bug fixes. - `Security` in case of vulnerabilities.

2.0.0 - 2017-04-20


1.0.0 - 2017-04-20

  • stable release

0.2.5 - 2015-08-31

  • use is-descriptor

0.2.3 - 2015-08-29

  • check keys length

0.2.2 - 2015-08-27

  • ensure val is an object

0.2.1 - 2015-08-27

  • support functions

0.2.0 - 2015-08-27

  • support get/set
  • update docs

[0.1.0] - 2015-08-12

  • first commit