.gitignore 816 B

  1. .idea/
  2. env/
  3. virtualenv/
  4. venv/
  5. node_modules/
  6. __pycache__
  7. **/__pycache__
  8. telecaster/__pycache__/
  9. *.pyc
  10. .pipcache
  11. .benchmarks/
  12. .pytest_cache
  13. .mypy_cache
  14. .DS_Store
  15. .vscode/
  16. newrelic_agent.log
  17. /tags
  18. # PyCharm stuff we don't need to keep in our repo.
  19. .idea/codeStyles/
  20. .idea/codeStyleSettings.xml
  21. .idea/dataSources*
  22. .idea/dataSources/
  23. .idea/encodings.xml
  24. .idea/GitScope.xml
  25. .idea/inspectionProfiles/
  26. .idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml
  27. .idea/maple.iml
  28. .idea/markdown-navigator*
  29. .idea/misc.xml
  30. .idea/mypy.xml
  31. .idea/remote-mappings.xml
  32. .idea/shelf/
  33. .idea/tasks.xml
  34. .idea/workspace.xml
  35. .tags
  36. .tags1
  37. stellar.yaml
  38. # Special place for the home directory in the docker containers (see docker-compose.dev.yml).
  39. *.local*
  40. # Shell history and other local configuration can be kept here.
  41. .home
  42. # Configuration file for docker-compose
  43. .env