import React from 'react'; import { Button , View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import {Icon} from 'react-native-elements'; import BaseSystem from './System'; import {Node} from 'trapilib/dist/lib/systems/ViewSystem' export default class Environment extends BaseSystem { constructor(CS, ToolBox, phoneRef) { super() this.phoneRef = phoneRef; this.CoreSystem = CS; this.ToolBox = ToolBox; } addRow(){ let View = this.CoreSystem.getCurrentView(); let container = View.getDefaultContainer(); let node = new Node(Math.random()+ Math.random(), {selected: true}) console.log(node) View.addViewNode(node, container); this.forceUpdate(); } selectRow(row) { this.ToolBox.selectNode(row); this.forceUpdate(); } selectCol(col) { this.ToolBox.selectNode(col); this.forceUpdate(); } rowHolders(Rows) { return, index) => { let dom = '', ref = null; try { ref = this.CoreSystem.ModuleSystem.getRef(; dom = ref.current._reactInternalFiber.child.child.stateNode; } catch(e) {} console.log("DOM", ref, dom,dom.clientHeight); return this.selectRow(row)}> {index} ; }) } colHolders(Cols) { return, index) => { let dom = '', ref = null; try { ref = this.CoreSystem.ModuleSystem.getRef(; dom = ref.current._reactInternalFiber.child.child.stateNode; } catch(e) {} console.log("DOM", ref, dom,dom.clientHeight); return this.selectCol(col)}> {index} ; }) } render() { let CurrentView = this.CoreSystem.getCurrentView(); let defaultContainer = CurrentView.getDefaultContainer(); let Rows = []; //CurrentView.getRows(defaultContainer); let Cols = []; // Check if selection is Row or Col and find ROW to getColumns if(this.ToolBox.selectedNode){ // let selectedRowNode = this.ToolBox.selectedNode.isRow ? // this.ToolBox.selectedNode : // CurrentView.getParent(this.ToolBox.selectedNode); // Cols = CurrentView.getColumns(selectedRowNode); } return { //this.colHolders(Cols) } { //this.rowHolders(Rows) }
this.addRow()} />
} } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, flexDirection: "column" }, mobileView: { backgroundColor: 'white', flex:1, alignSelf: 'stretch' }, row: { flexDirection: "row", //borderWidth: 1 }, col: { flexDirection: "column", //borderWidth: 1 }, button:{ flex:1, justifyContent:'center', }, rowHolders: { padding:4 }, colHolders: { padding:4, justifyContent: 'flex-end' }, rowHolderContainer: { justifyContent: 'center' }, colHolderContainer: { justifyContent: 'center' }, rowHolder: { height: 50, width:100, backgroundColor: 'green', textAlign: 'center' }, colHolder: { width:100, height: 50, backgroundColor: 'purple', textAlign: 'center' } });