replaced read
with prompt
as backend. If you were relying on specific read
changes, you may need to adjust your code. #213generator.install
was renamed to generator.bowerInstall
and generator.npmInstall
were added. #205Generators can now be installed globally
Improved startup time
Improved error message when a generator is not found
Rewritten, but API compatible
All generators extracted out into it's own repos
Renamed from generators
to generator
Some new API method. See the docs.
index.html conflict solved. #66
Update for grunt-coffee task. #62
Generators now use app/components for bower installs. #65
Updated lodash to 0.7.0 and backbone.layoutmanager to 0.6.6. #60
File collision menu, tests for individual generators, mocha:generator and better looking output. #63
Ensure server is launched before tests. #56
angularjs: gets es5 shim and json3 conditionally for oldIE. #61
Chrome Apps Generator gets a few many fixes. #59
Fix for issues to do with library clobbering due to re-use of the scripts/vendor directory. #57
Fix for grunt-contrib-coffee breaking yeoman server. #57