/** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , cursor = Base.cursor , color = Base.color; /** * Expose `Landing`. */ exports = module.exports = Landing; /** * Airplane color. */ Base.colors.plane = 0; /** * Airplane crash color. */ Base.colors['plane crash'] = 31; /** * Runway color. */ Base.colors.runway = 90; /** * Initialize a new `Landing` reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function Landing(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , stats = this.stats , width = Base.window.width * .75 | 0 , total = runner.total , stream = process.stdout , plane = color('plane', '✈') , crashed = -1 , n = 0; function runway() { var buf = Array(width).join('-'); return ' ' + color('runway', buf); } runner.on('start', function(){ stream.write('\n '); cursor.hide(); }); runner.on('test end', function(test){ // check if the plane crashed var col = -1 == crashed ? width * ++n / total | 0 : crashed; // show the crash if ('failed' == test.state) { plane = color('plane crash', '✈'); crashed = col; } // render landing strip stream.write('\u001b[4F\n\n'); stream.write(runway()); stream.write('\n '); stream.write(color('runway', Array(col).join('⋅'))); stream.write(plane) stream.write(color('runway', Array(width - col).join('⋅') + '\n')); stream.write(runway()); stream.write('\u001b[0m'); }); runner.on('end', function(){ cursor.show(); console.log(); self.epilogue(); }); } /** * Inherit from `Base.prototype`. */ Landing.prototype.__proto__ = Base.prototype;