var fs = require('fs'); var util = require('util'); var path = require('path'); var events = require('events'); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var glob = require('glob'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var _ = require('lodash'); var log = process.logging('generators'); var engines = require('./util/engines'); var debug = require('debug')('generators:environment'); var Base = require('./base'); // TODO(mklabs): // // - path manipulation methods ({append,prepend}{Path,Lookup}) can be dryed out. // - if it gets too huge (more than 200loc), split this into mulitple mixins. // - register() method too long, split logic for namespace etc. elsewhere // - flesh out Error handling, consider emitting error instead of throwing, // even for synchronous operation. /** * `Environment` object is responsible of handling the lifecyle and bootstrap * of generators in a specific environment (your app). * * It provides a high-level API to create and run generators, as well as further * tuning where and how a generator is resolved. * * An environment is created using a list of `arguments` and a Hash of * `options`. Usually, this is the list of arguments you get back from your CLI * options parser. * * @param {String|Array} args * @param {Object} opts */ var Environment = module.exports = function Environment(args, opts) {; args = args || []; this.arguments = Array.isArray(args) ? args : args.split(' '); this.options = opts || {}; this.cwd = this.options.cwd || process.cwd(); this.generators = {}; this.aliases = []; this.lookups = []; this.paths = []; this.appendLookup('.'); this.appendLookup('generators'); // DEPRECATED: use the path `generators` instead this.appendLookup('lib/generators'); this.appendPath('.'); // adds support for global generators. ensures support across all OS since the // global node_modules dir always is four levels up from env.js this.appendPath(path.join(__dirname, '../../../..')); this._prefixReg = null; this._prefixes = this._prefixes || []; this._suffix = this._suffix || ''; this.prefix(this.options.prefix || 'generator-'); this.suffix(this.options.suffix || '*/index.js'); this.plugins('node_modules'); }; util.inherits(Environment, events.EventEmitter); /** * Error handler taking `err` instance of Error. * * The `error` event is emitted with the error object, if no `error` listener * is registered, then we throw the error. * * @param {Object} err */ Environment.prototype.error = function error(err) { err = err instanceof Error ? err : new Error(err); if (!this.emit('error', err)) { throw err; } return this; }; /** * Configures the `engine` to use for this environment. * * @param {String} engine */ Environment.prototype.engine = function _engine(engine) { if (typeof engine === 'function') { this._engine = engine; return this; } if (!engines[engine]) { return this.error(new Error('Wrong engine (' + engine + '). Available: ' + Object.keys(engines).join(' '))); } this._engine = engines[engine]; return this; }; /** * Appends a `filepath` to the list of loadpaths. * * @param {String} filepath */ Environment.prototype.appendPath = function appendPath(filepath) { if (!filepath) { return this.error(new Error('Missing filepath.')); } this.paths.push(filepath); return this; }; /** * Appends a new `filepath` to the list of lookups path. This should be a * relative filepath, like `support/scaffold`. Environments are created with * `lib/generators` as a lookup path by default. * * @param {String} filepath */ Environment.prototype.appendLookup = function appendLookup(filepath) { if (!filepath) { return this.error(new Error('Missing filepath.')); } this.lookups.push(filepath); return this; }; /** * Outputs the general help and usage. Optionally, if generators have been * registered, the list of available generators is also displayed. * * @param {String} name */ = function help(name) { name = name || 'init'; var out = [ 'Usage: :binary: GENERATOR [args] [options]', '', 'General options:', ' -h, --help # Print generator\'s options and usage', ' -f, --force # Overwrite files that already exist', '', 'Please choose a generator below.', '' ]; var ns = this.namespaces(); var groups = {}; ns.sort().forEach(function (namespace) { var base = namespace.split(':')[0]; if (!groups[base]) { groups[base] = []; } groups[base] = groups[base].concat(namespace); }); Object.keys(groups).forEach(function (key) { var group = groups[key]; if (group.length >= 1) { out.push('', key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1)); } groups[key].forEach(function (ns) { out.push(' ' + ns); }); }); return out.join('\n') .replace(/:binary:/g, name); }; /** * Registers a specific `generator` to this environment. A generator can be a * simple function or an object extending from `Generators.Base`. The later * method is favored as it allows you to specify options/arguments for * self-documented generator with `USAGE:` and so on. * * In case of a simple function, the generator does show up in the `--help` * output, but without any kind of arguments/options. You must document them * manually with your `USAGE` file. * * In any case, the API available in generators is the same. Raw functions are * executed within the context of a `new Generators.Base`. * * `register()` can also take Strings, in which case it is considered a * filepath to `require()`. * * @param {String|Function} name * @param {String} namespace */ Environment.prototype.register = function register(name, namespace) { if (!name) { return this.error(new Error('You must provide a generator to register.')); } var cachePath = _.isString(name); var generator = cachePath ? function () {} : name; var isRaw = function (generator) { generator = Object.getPrototypeOf(generator.prototype); var methods = ['option', 'argument', 'hookFor', 'run']; return methods.filter(function (method) { return !!generator[method]; }).length !== methods.length; }; var filepath; var ns; if (cachePath) { filepath = name; if (filepath.charAt(0) === '.') { filepath = path.resolve(filepath); } if (filepath.charAt(0) === '~') { filepath = process.env[process.platform === 'win32' ? 'USERPROFILE' : 'HOME'] + filepath.slice(1); } generator.resolved = require.resolve(filepath); generator.namespace = this.namespace(generator.resolved); generator.__register = function () { var invokedGenerator = require(generator.resolved); invokedGenerator.resolved = generator.resolved; this.register(invokedGenerator, generator.namespace); }.bind(this); } ns = namespace || generator.namespace || this.namespace(name); if (!ns) { return this.error(new Error('Unable to determine namespace.')); } // normalize what we got, at this point if we were unable to find a // namespace, we just consider the directory name under which this generator // is found. if (ns.indexOf('/') !== -1) { ns = path.basename(path.dirname(ns)); } generator.namespace = ns; generator.raw = isRaw(generator); generator.resolved = generator.resolved || ns; this.generators[ns] = generator; debug('Registered %s (%s)', generator.namespace, generator.resolved); return this; }; /** * Returns the list of registered namespace. */ Environment.prototype.namespaces = function namespaces() { return Object.keys(this.generators); }; /** * Get a single generator from the registered list of generators. The lookup is * based on generator's namespace, "walking up" the namespaces until a matching * is found. Eg. if an `angular:common` namespace is registered, and we try to * get `angular:common:all` then we get `angular:common` as a fallback (unless * an `angular:common:all` generator is registered). * * @param {String} namespace */ Environment.prototype.get = function get(namespace) { if (!namespace) { return; } var get = function (namespace) { var generator = this.generators[namespace]; if (generator) { if (generator.__register) { generator.__register(); generator = get(namespace); } return generator; } }.bind(this); return get(namespace) || get(this.alias(namespace)) || this.get(namespace.split(':').slice(0, -1).join(':')); }; /** * Create is the Generator factory. It takes a namespace to lookup and optional * hash of options, that lets you define `arguments` and `options` to * instantiate the generator with. * * An error is raised on invalid namespace. * * @param {String} namespace * @param {Object} options */ Environment.prototype.create = function create(namespace, options) { options = options || {}; var names = namespace.split(':'); var name = names.slice(-1)[0]; var generator = this.get(namespace); var args = options.arguments || options.args || this.arguments; args = Array.isArray(args) ? args : args.split(' '); var opts = options.options || _.clone(this.options); if (!generator) { return this.error( new Error( 'You don\'t seem to have a generator with the name ' + namespace + ' installed.\n' + chalk.bold('You can see available generators with ' + 'npm search yeoman-generator') + chalk.bold(' and then install them with ' + 'npm install [name]') + '.\n' + 'To see the ' + this.namespaces().length + ' registered generators run yo with the `--help` option.' ) ); } // case of raw functions, we create a brand new `Base` object and attach this // raw function as one of the prototype method. this effectively standardize // the interface for running generators, while allowing less boilerplate for // generators authors. var Generator = generator; if (generator.raw) { Generator = function () { Base.apply(this, arguments); }; util.inherits(Generator, Base); Generator.prototype.exec = generator; } opts.env = this; = name; opts.resolved = generator.resolved; return new Generator(args, opts); }; /** * Tries to locate and run a specific generator. The lookup is done depending * on the provided arguments, options and the list of registered generators. * * When the environment was unable to resolve a generator, an error is raised. * * @param {String|Array} args * @param {Object} options * @param {Function} done */ = function run(args, options, done) { args = args || this.arguments; if (typeof options === 'function') { done = options; options = this.options; } if (typeof args === 'function') { done = args; options = this.options; args = this.arguments; } args = Array.isArray(args) ? args : args.split(' '); options = options || this.options; var name = args.shift(); if (!name) { return this.error(new Error('Must provide at least one argument, the generator namespace to invoke.')); } // is it a remote? any generator with a `/` in it is considered // potential remote, and we simply proxy over `npm install` command to get // the generator locally. if (/\//.test(name)) { return this.remote(name, done); } var generator = this.create(name, { args: args, options: options }); if (typeof done === 'function') { generator.on('end', done); } if ( { return console.log(; } generator.on('start', this.emit.bind(this, 'generators:start')); generator.on('start', this.emit.bind(this, name + ':start')); var self = this; generator.on('method', function (method) { self.emit(name + ':' + method); }); generator.on('end', this.emit.bind(this, name + ':end')); generator.on('end', this.emit.bind(this, 'generators:end')); return; }; /** * Receives namespaces in an array and tries to find matching generators in the * load paths. * * We lookup namespaces in several places, namely `this.lookups` * list of relatives directory path. A `generator-` prefix is added if a * namespace wasn't `require()`-able directly, matching `generator-*` kind of * pattern in npm installed package. * * You can also lookup using glob-like star pattern, eg. `angular:*` gets * expanded to `angular\*\index.js`. * * The default alias `generator-$1` lookup is added automatically. * * ### Examples: * * // search for all angular generators in the load path * env.lookup('angular:*'); * * // register any valid set of generator in the load paths * env.lookup('*:*'); * * @param {String|Array} namespaces * @param {String} lookupdir */ Environment.prototype.lookup = function lookup(namespaces, lookupdir) { namespaces = Array.isArray(namespaces) ? namespaces : namespaces.split(' '); debug('Lookup %s', namespaces); namespaces.forEach(function (ns) { var filepath = path.join.apply(path, this.alias(ns).split(':')); this.paths.forEach(function (base) { debug('Looking in %s with filepath %s', base, filepath); // no glob pattern if (!~filepath.indexOf('*')) { try { debug('Attempt to register with direct filepath %s', filepath); this.register(filepath); } catch (e) { // silent fail unless not a loadpath error if (e.message.indexOf(filepath) === -1) { console.error('Unable to register %s (Error: %s)', ns, e.message); } } return; } this.lookups.forEach(function (lookupdir) { var depth = lookupdir && /^\.\/?$/.test(lookupdir) ? '*' : '**'; var prefixes = this._prefixes.filter(function (prefix) { return !(/\//).test(prefix); }); var pattern = filepath .replace(/^\*+/, '+(' + prefixes.join('|') + ')*') .replace(/\*+$/g, path.join(lookupdir, depth, 'index.js')) .replace(/^\*\//, ''); debug('Globing for generator %s with pattern %s (cwd: %s)', ns, pattern, base); glob.sync(pattern, { cwd: base }).forEach(function (filename) { // now register, warn on failed require try { debug('found %s, trying to register', filename); this.register(path.resolve(base, filename)); } catch (e) { console.error('Unable to register %s (Error: %s)', filename, e.message); } }, this); }, this); }, this); }, this); return this; }; /** * Get or create an alias. * * Alias allows the `get()` and `lookup()` methods to search in alternate * filepath for a given namespaces. It's used for example to map `generator-*` * npm package to their namespace equivalent (without the generator- prefix), * or to default a single namespace like `angular` to `angular:app` or * `angular:all`. * * Given a single argument, this method acts as a getter. When both name and * value are provided, acts as a setter and registers that new alias. * * If multiple alias are defined, then the replacement is recursive, replacing * each alias in reverse order. * * An alias can be a single String or a Regular Expression. The finding is done * based on .match(). * * ### Examples: * * env.alias(/^([a-zA-Z0-9:\*]+)$/, 'generator-$1'); * env.alias(/^([^:]+)$/, '$1:app'); * env.alias(/^([^:]+)$/, '$1:all'); * env.alias('foo'); * // => generator-foo:all * * @param {String|RegExp} match * @param {String} value */ Environment.prototype.alias = function alias(match, value) { if (match && value) { this.aliases.push({ match: match instanceof RegExp ? match : new RegExp('^' + match + '$'), value: value }); return this; } var aliases = this.aliases.slice(0).reverse(); var matcher = aliases.filter(function (alias) { return alias.match.test(match); }); return aliases.reduce(function (res, alias) { if (!alias.match.test(res)) { return res; } return res.replace(alias.match, alias.value); }, match); }; /** * Given a String `filepath`, tries to figure out the relative namespace. * * ### Examples: * * this.namespace('backbone/all/index.js'); * // => backbone:all * * this.namespace('generator-backbone/model'); * // => backbone:model * * this.namespace('backbone.js'); * // => backbone * * this.namespace('generator-mocha/backbone/model/index.js'); * // => mocha:backbone:model * * @param {String} filepath */ Environment.prototype.namespace = function namespace(filepath) { if (!filepath) { throw new Error('Missing namespace'); } var self = this; // cleanup extension and normalize path for differents OS var ns = path.normalize(filepath.replace(path.extname(filepath), '')); // extend every lookups folders with searchable file system paths var lookups = _(this.lookups).map(function (lookup) { return, function (filepath) { return path.join(filepath, lookup); }); }).flatten().sortBy('length').value().reverse(); // if `ns` contain a lookup dir in it's path, remove it. ns = lookups.reduce(function (ns, lookup) { return ns.replace(lookup, ''); }, ns); // cleanup `ns` from unwanted parts and then normalize slashes to `:` ns = ns .replace(/[\/\\]?node_modules[\/\\]?/, '') // remove `/node_modules/` .replace(/[\/\\](index|main)$/, '') // remove `/index` or `/main` .replace(/\.+/g, '') // remove `.` .replace(/^[\/\\]+/, '') // remove leading `/` .replace(/[\/\\]+/g, ':'); // replace slashes by `:` // if we still have prefix match at this point, then remove anything before // that match, this would catch symlinked package with a name begining with // `generator-*` (one of the configured prefix) ns = this._prefixes.reduce(function (ns, prefix) { var pos = ns.lastIndexOf(prefix); if (pos < 0) { return ns; } return ns.slice(pos + prefix.length); }, ns); debug('Resolve namespaces for %s: %s', filepath, ns); return ns; }; /** * Adds the namespace prefix to this environment, such as `generator-*`, * used when resolving namespace, replacing the leading `*` in the * namespace by the configured prefix(es). * * ### Examples: * * this.prefix('generator-'); * * @param {String} prefix */ Environment.prototype.prefix = function _prefix(prefix) { if (!prefix) { throw new Error('Missing prefix'); } this._prefixes.push(prefix); this._prefixReg = new RegExp('^(' + this._prefixes.join('|') + ')'); return this; }; /** * Get or set the namespace suffix to this environment, such as `*\index.js`, * used when resolving namespace, replacing the last `*` in the * namespace by the configured suffix. * * ### Examples: * * this.suffix('*\index.js'); * this.suffix(); * // => '*\index.js' * * @param {String} suffix */ Environment.prototype.suffix = function _suffix(suffix) { this._suffix = this._suffix || ''; if (!suffix) { return this._suffix; } this._suffix = suffix; return this; }; /** * Walk up the filesystem looking for a `node_modules` folder, and add it if * found to the load path. * * @param {String} filename * @param {String} basedir */ Environment.prototype.plugins = function plugins(filename, basedir) { filename = filename || 'node_modules'; basedir = basedir || process.cwd(); var filepath = path.join(basedir, filename); if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) { this.appendPath(filepath); return this; } if (basedir === path.resolve('/')) { return this; } return this.plugins(filename, path.join(basedir, '..')); }; /** * Install an npm package locally, expanding github like user/repo pattern to * the remote tarball for master. * * It is taking care of potential remote packages (or local on the current file * system) by delegating the groundwork of getting the package to npm. * * @param {String} name * @param {Function} done */ Environment.prototype.remote = function remote(name, done) { var self = this; log.write().info('Installing remote package %s', name).write(); var npm = spawn('npm', ['install', name, '--save-dev']); npm.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); npm.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); done = done || function () {}; npm.on('exit', function (code) { if (code !== 0) { return self.error(new Error('Error initing from remote: ' + name + '. Code: ' + code)); } log.ok('Installed %s package', name).write();'You should see additional generators available').write() .write(; done(); }); };