var fs = require('fs'); var util = require('util'); var path = require('path'); var events = require('events'); var _ = require('lodash'); var async = require('async'); var findup = require('findup-sync'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var engines = require('./util/engines'); var conflicter = require('./util/conflicter'); var Storage = require('./util/storage'); var actions = require('./actions/actions'); // TOOD(mklabs): flesh out api, remove config (merge with options, or just remove the // grunt config handling) /** * The `Base` object provides the common API shared by all generators, * defining options, arguments, hooks, file, prompt, log, API etc. * * Every generator should extend from this object. * * @param {String|Array} args * @param {Object} options */ var Base = module.exports = function Base(args, options) {; if (!Array.isArray(args)) { options = args; args = []; } this.args = this.arguments = args || []; this.options = options || {}; // checks required paramaters if (!this.options.env) { throw new Error('You must provide the environment object. Use env#create() to create a new generator.'); } if (!this.options.resolved) { throw new Error('You must provide the resolved path value. Use env#create() to create a new generator.'); } this.env = this.options.env; this.resolved = this.options.resolved; this.fallbacks = this.options.generators || this.options.generator || {}; this.generatorName = || ''; this.description = ''; this.async = function () { return function () {}; }; _.defaults(this.options, this.fallbacks, { engine: engines.underscore }); this._engine = this.options.engine; // cleanup options hash from default engine, if users didn't provided one. if (!options.engine) { delete this.options.engine; } this.conflicter = conflicter; this.conflicter.force = this.options.force; // determine the app root var rootPath = findup('.yo-rc.json'); if (rootPath) { process.chdir(path.dirname(rootPath)); } this._arguments = []; this._options = []; this._hooks = []; this._conflicts = []; this.appname = path.basename(process.cwd()).replace(/[^\w\s]+?/g, ' '); this._setStorage(); this.option('help', { alias: 'h', desc: 'Print generator\'s options and usage' }); // ensure source/destination path, can be configured from subclasses this.sourceRoot(path.join(path.dirname(this.resolved), 'templates')); }; util.inherits(Base, events.EventEmitter); // "include" the actions modules _.extend(Base.prototype, actions); _.extend(Base.prototype, require('./actions/fetch')); _.extend(Base.prototype, require('./actions/file')); _.extend(Base.prototype, require('./actions/install')); _.extend(Base.prototype, require('./actions/string')); _.extend(Base.prototype, require('./actions/wiring')); _.extend(Base.prototype, require('./util/common')); Base.prototype.user = require('./actions/user'); = require('shelljs'); Base.prototype.prompt = require('./actions/prompt'); Base.prototype.invoke = require('./actions/invoke'); Base.prototype.spawnCommand = require('./actions/spawn_command'); /** * Adds an option to the set of generator expected options, only used to * generate generator usage. By default, generators get all the cli option * parsed by nopt as a `this.options` Hash object. * * ### Options: * * - `desc` Description for the option * - `type` Either Boolean, String or Number * - `default` Default value * - `banner` String to show on usage notes * - `hide` Boolean whether to hide from help * * @param {String} name * @param {Object} config */ Base.prototype.option = function option(name, config) { config = config || {}; _.defaults(config, { name: name, desc: 'Description for ' + name, type: Boolean, defaults: false, hide: false }); var opt = this._options.filter(function (el) { return === name; })[0]; if (!opt) { this._options.push(config); } else { opt = config; } if (!this.options[name]) { this.options[name] = config.defaults; } return this; }; /** * Adds an argument to the class and creates an attribute getter for it. * * Arguments are different from options in several aspects. The first one * is how they are parsed from the command line, arguments are retrieved * from position. * * Besides, arguments are used inside your code as a property (`this.argument`), * while options are all kept in a hash (`this.options`). * * ### Options: * * - `desc` Description for the argument * - `required` Boolean whether it is required * - `optional` Boolean whether it is optional * - `type` String, Number, Array, or Object * - `defaults` Default value for this argument * - `banner` String to show on usage notes * * @param {String} name * @param {Object} config */ Base.prototype.argument = function argument(name, config) { config = config || {}; _.defaults(config, { name: name, required: config.defaults == null ? true : false, type: String }); config.banner = config.banner || this.bannerFor(config); this._arguments.push({ name: name, config: config }); var position = -1; this._arguments.forEach(function (arg, i) { if (position !== -1) { return; } if ( === name) { position = i; } }); // a bit of coercion and type handling, to be improved // just dealing with Array/String, default is assumed to be String var value = config.type === Array ? this.args.slice(position) : this.args[position]; value = position >= this.args.length ? config.defaults : value; if (config.required && value === undefined) { return this.emit('error', new Error('Did not provide required argument ' + chalk.bold(name) + '!')); } this[name] = value; return this; }; /** * Runs the generator, executing top-level methods in the order they * were defined. * * Special named method like `constructor` and `initialize` are skipped * (CoffeeScript and Backbone like inheritence), or any method prefixed by * a `_`. * * You can also supply the arguments for the method to be invoked, if * none is given, the same values used to initialize the invoker are * used to initialize the invoked. * * @param {String|Array} args * @param {Function} cb */ = function run(args, cb) { var self = this; this._running = true; this.emit('start'); this.emit('run'); if (!cb) { cb = args; args = this.args; } cb = cb || function () {}; var runHooks = function () { self.runHooks(cb); }; var methods = Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(this)); var resolve = function (method) { var rules = { underscore: method.charAt(0) !== '_', initialize: !/^(constructor|initialize)$/.test(method), valid: function () { return this.underscore && this.initialize; } }; return function (next) { if (!rules.valid()) { return next(); } var done = function (err) { if (err) { self.emit('error', err); } // resolve file conflicts after every method completes. self.conflicter.resolve(function (err) { if (err) { return self.emit('error', err); } next(); }); }; var running = false; self.async = function () { running = true; return done; }; self.emit(method); self.emit('method', method); self[method].apply(self, args); if (!running) { done(); } }; }; async.series(, runHooks); return this; }; /** * Goes through all registered hooks, invoking them in series. * * @param {Function} cb */ Base.prototype.runHooks = function runHooks(cb) { var self = this; var hooks = this._hooks; var callback = function (err) { self.emit('end'); cb(err); }; var resolve = function (hook) { var resolved = self.defaultFor(; var context = || self.resolved || self.generateName; var options = hook.options || self.options; options.args = hook.args || self.args; return function (next) { self.invoke(resolved + (context ? ':' + context : ''), options, next); }; }; async.series(, callback); return this; }; /** * Registers a hook to invoke when this generator runs. * * A generator with a namespace based on the value supplied by the user * to the given option named `name`. An option is created when this method is * invoked and you can set a hash to customize it. * * Must be called prior to the generator run (shouldn't be called within * a generator "step" - top-level methods). * * ### Options: * * - `as` The context value to use when runing the hooked generator * - `args` The array of positional arguments to init and run the generator with * - `options` The hash of options to use to init and run the generator with * * ### Examples: * * // $ yo webapp --test-framework jasmine * this.hookFor('test-framework'); * // => registers the `jasmine` hook * * @param {String} name * @param {Object} config */ Base.prototype.hookFor = function hookFor(name, config) { config = config || {}; // enforce use of hookFor during instantiation if (this._running) { return this.emit('error', new Error( 'hookFor must be used within the constructor only' )); } // add the corresponding option to this class, so that we output these hooks // in help this.option(name, { desc: this._.humanize(name) + ' to be invoked', defaults: this.options[name] || '' }); this._hooks.push(_.defaults(config, { name: name })); return this; }; /** * Return the default value for the option name. * * Also performs a lookup in CLI options and the `this.fallbacks` * property. * * @param {String} name */ Base.prototype.defaultFor = function defaultFor(name) { var config = this.fallbacks; if (this.options[name]) { name = this.options[name]; } else if (config && config[name]) { name = config[name]; } return name; }; /** * Generate the default banner for help output, adjusting output to * argument type. * * Options: * * - `name` Uppercased value to display (only relevant with `String` type) * - `type` String, Number, Object or Array * * @param {Object} config */ Base.prototype.bannerFor = function bannerFor(config) { return config.type === Boolean ? '' : config.type === String ? : config.type === Number ? 'N' : config.type === Object ? 'key:value' : config.type === Array ? 'one two three' : ''; }; /** * Tries to get the description from a USAGE file one folder above the * source root otherwise uses a default description. */ = function help() { var filepath = path.join(this.sourceRoot(), '../USAGE'); var exists = fs.existsSync(filepath); var out = [ 'Usage:', ' ' + this.usage(), '' ]; // build options if (this._options.length) { out = out.concat([ 'Options:', this.optionsHelp(), '' ]); } // append USAGE file is any if (exists) { out.push(fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8')); } return out.join('\n'); }; /** * Output usage information for this given generator, depending on its arguments, * options or hooks. */ Base.prototype.usage = function usage() { var args = (arg) { return arg.config.banner; }).join(' '); var options = this._options.length ? '[options]' : '', name = (this.namespace === 'yeoman:app' || !this.namespace) ? '' : this.namespace + ' ', cmd = 'init'; name = name.replace(/^yeoman:/, ''); var out = 'yeoman ' + cmd + ' ' + name + args + ' ' + options; if (this.description) { out += '\n\n' + this.description; } return out; }; /** * Simple setter for custom `description` to append on help output. * * @param {String} description */ Base.prototype.desc = function desc(description) { this.description = description || ''; return this; }; /** * Returns the list of options in formatted table. */ Base.prototype.optionsHelp = function optionsHelp() { var options = this._options.filter(function (el) { return !el.hide; }); var hookOpts = (hook) { return hook.generator && hook.generator._options; }).reduce(function (a, b) { a = a.concat(b); return a; }, []).filter(function (opts) { return opts && !== 'help'; }); var rows = options.concat(hookOpts).map(function (o) { return [ '', o.alias ? '-' + o.alias + ', ' : '', '--' +, o.desc ? '# ' + o.desc : '', o.defaults == null ? '' : 'Default: ' + o.defaults ]; }); return this.log.table({ rows: rows }); }; /** * Determine the root generator name (the one who's extending Base). */ Base.prototype.rootGeneratorName = function () { var path = findup('package.json', { cwd: this.resolved }); return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')).name; }; /** * Setup a storage instance. */ Base.prototype._setStorage = function () { var storePath = path.join(, '.yo-rc.json'); this.config = new Storage(this.rootGeneratorName(), storePath); }; /** * Façace `actions.destinationRoot` on Base generator so it update the storage * path when the path change. * * @param {String} rootPath */ Base.prototype.destinationRoot = function (rootPath) { var root =, rootPath); if (rootPath) { this._setStorage(); } return root; };