var logger = process.logging || require('../util/log'); var log = logger('generators:action'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var events = require('events'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var isBinaryFile = require('isbinaryfile'); var rimraf = require('rimraf'); var async = require('async'); var iconv = require('iconv-lite'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var actions = module.exports; actions.log = log; /** * Stores and return the source root for this class. The source root is used to * prefix filepath with `.read()` or `.template()`. * * @param {String} root */ actions.sourceRoot = function sourceRoot(root) { if (root) { this._sourceRoot = path.resolve(root); } return this._sourceRoot; }; /** * Sets the destination root for this class, the working directory. Relative * path are added to the directory where the script was invoked and * expanded. * * This automatically creates the working directory if it doensn't exists and * `cd` into it. * * @param {String} root */ actions.destinationRoot = function destinationRoot(root) { if (root) { this._destinationRoot = path.resolve(root); if (!fs.existsSync(root)) { this.mkdir(root); } process.chdir(root); } return this._destinationRoot || './'; }; /** * Stores and return the cache root for this class. The cache root is used to * `git clone` repositories from github by `.remote()` for example. */ actions.cacheRoot = function cacheRoot() { // we follow XDG specs if possible: // if (process.env.XDG_CACHE_HOME) { return path.join(process.env.XDG_CACHE_HOME, 'yeoman'); } // otherwise, we fallback to a temp dir in the home var home = process.env[process.platform === 'win32' ? 'USERPROFILE' : 'HOME']; return path.join(home, '.cache/yeoman'); }; /** * Make some of the file API aware of our source/destination root paths. * `copy`, `template` (only when could be applied/required by legacy code), * `write` and alike consider. * * @param {String} source * @param {String} destination * @param {Function} process */ actions.copy = function copy(source, destination, process) { var body; destination = destination || source; if (typeof destination === 'function') { process = destination; destination = source; } source = this.isPathAbsolute(source) ? source : path.join(this.sourceRoot(), source); var encoding = null; var binary = isBinaryFile(source); if (!binary) { encoding = 'utf8'; } body = fs.readFileSync(source, encoding); if (typeof process === 'function' && !binary) { body = process(body, source, destination, { encoding: encoding }); } try { body = this.engine(body, this); } catch (err) { // this happens in some cases when trying to copy a JS file like lodash/underscore // (conflicting the templating engine) } this.checkForCollision(destination, body, function (err, config) { var stats; if (err) { config.callback(err); return this.emit('error', err); } // create or force means file write, identical or skip prevent the // actual write. if (!(/force|create/.test(config.status))) { return config.callback(); } mkdirp.sync(path.dirname(destination)); fs.writeFileSync(destination, body); // synchronize stats and modification times from the original file. stats = fs.statSync(source); try { fs.chmodSync(destination, stats.mode); fs.utimesSync(destination, stats.atime, stats.mtime); } catch (err) { this.log.error('Error setting permissions of "' + chalk.bold(destination) + '" file: ' + err); } config.callback(); }.bind(this)); return this; }; /** * A simple method to read the content of the a file borrowed from Grunt: * * * Discussion and future plans: * * * The encoding is `utf8` by default, to read binary files, pass the proper * encoding or null. Non absolute path are prefixed by the source root. * * @param {String} filepath * @param {String} encoding */ = function read(filepath, encoding) { var contents; if (!this.isPathAbsolute(filepath)) { filepath = path.join(this.sourceRoot(), filepath); } try { contents = fs.readFileSync(String(filepath)); // if encoding is not explicitly null, convert from encoded buffer to a // string. if no encoding was specified, use the default. if (encoding !== null) { contents = iconv.decode(contents, encoding || 'utf8'); // strip any BOM that might exist. if (contents.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) { contents = contents.substring(1); } } return contents; } catch (e) { throw new Error('Unable to read "' + filepath + '" file (Error code: ' + e.code + ').'); } }; /** * Writes a chunk of data to a given `filepath`, checking for collision prior * to the file write. * * @param {String} filepath * @param {String} content */ actions.write = function write(filepath, content) { this.checkForCollision(filepath, content, function (err, config) { if (err) { config.callback(err); return this.emit('error', err); } // create or force means file write, identical or skip prevent the // actual write if (/force|create/.test(config.status)) { mkdirp.sync(path.dirname(filepath)); fs.writeFileSync(filepath, content); } config.callback(); }); return this; }; /** * File collision checked. Takes a `filepath` (the file about to be written) * and the actual content. A basic check is done to see if the file exists, if * it does: * * 1. Read its content from `fs` * 2. Compare it with the provided content * 3. If identical, mark it as is and skip the check * 4. If diverged, prepare and show up the file collision menu * * The menu has the following options: * * - `Y` Yes, overwrite * - `n` No, do not overwrite * - `a` All, overwrite this and all others * - `q` Quit, abort * - `d` Diff, show the differences between the old and the new * - `h` Help, show this help * * @param {String} filepath * @param {String} content * @param {Function} cb */ actions.checkForCollision = function checkForCollision(filepath, content, cb) { this.conflicter.add({ file: filepath, content: content }); this.conflicter.once('resolved:' + filepath, cb.bind(this, null)); }; /** * Gets a template at the relative source, executes it and makes a copy * at the relative destination. If the destination is not given it's assumed * to be equal to the source relative to destination. * * Use configured engine to render the provided `source` template at the given * `destination`. `data` is an optional hash to pass to the template, if * undefined, executes the template in the generator instance context. * * @param {String} source * @param {String} destination * @param {Object} data */ actions.template = function template(source, destination, data) { data = data || this; destination = destination || source; var body =, 'utf8'); body = this.engine(body, data); this.write(destination, body); return this; }; /** * The engine method is the function used whenever a template needs to be rendered. * * It uses the configured engine (default: underscore) to render the `body` * template with the provided `data`. * * @param {String} body * @param {Object} data */ actions.engine = function engine(body, data) { if (!this._engine) { throw new Error('Trying to render template without valid engine.'); } return this._engine.detect && this._engine.detect(body) ? this._engine(body, data) : body; }; /** * Copies recursively the files from source directory to root directory. * * @param {String} source * @param {String} destination * @param {Function} process */ = function directory(source, destination, process) { var root = path.join(this.sourceRoot(), source); var files = this.expandFiles('**', { dot: true, cwd: root }); var self = this; destination = destination || source; if (typeof destination === 'function') { process = destination; destination = source; } // get the path relative to the template root, and copy to the relative destination var resolveFiles = function (filepath) { return function (next) { if (!filepath) { self.emit('directory:end'); return next(); } var dest = path.join(destination, filepath); self.copy(path.join(root, filepath), dest, process); return next(); }; }; async.parallel(; return this; }; /** * Remotely fetch a package on github, store this into a _cache folder, and * provide a "remote" object as a facade API to ourself (part of genrator API, * copy, template, directory). It's possible to remove local cache, and force * a new remote fetch of the package on Github. * * ### Examples: * * this.remote('user', 'repo', function(err, remote) { * remote.copy('.', 'vendors/user-repo'); * }); * * @param {String} username * @param {String} repo * @param {String} branch * @param {Function} cb * @param {Boolean} refresh */ actions.remote = function (username, repo, branch, cb, refresh) { if (!cb) { cb = branch; branch = 'master'; } var self = this; var cache = path.join(this.cacheRoot(), username, repo, branch); var url = '' + [username, repo, 'archive', branch].join('/') + '.tar.gz'; fs.stat(cache, function (err) { // already cached if (!err) { // no refresh, so we can use this cache if (!refresh) { return done(); } // otherwise, we need to remove it, to fetch it again rimraf(cache, function (err) { if (err) { return cb(err); } self.tarball(url, cache, done); }); } else { self.tarball(url, cache, done); } }); function done(err) { if (err) { return cb(err); } var files = self.expandFiles('**', { cwd: cache, dot: true }); var remote = {}; remote.cachePath = cache; // simple proxy to `.copy(source, destination)` remote.copy = function copy(source, destination) { source = path.join(cache, source); self.copy(source, destination); return this; }; // same as `.template(source, destination, data)` remote.template = function template(source, destination, data) { data = data || self; destination = destination || source; source = path.join(cache, source); var body = self.engine(, data); self.write(destination, body); }; // same as `.template(source, destination)` = function directory(source, destination) { var root = self.sourceRoot(); self.sourceRoot(cache);, destination); self.sourceRoot(root); }; cb(err, remote, files); } return this; };